Introducing Poken
Poken is launching in open beta today. Read about the motivation behind Poken, how it works, and how you can be a part of it from the beginning.

Open Source is great. In many cases though, it’s not sustainable. Many library authors put in a lot of time and effort into their projects, without any chance of being properly compensated for it. Poken is a new way to monetize npm packages, sparing publishers the hassle of setting up payment and delivery systems and making it easy for package consumers to purchase packages without having to deal with complex configuration.
Start charging for your libraries
We believe you deserve to be compensated for your work. Poken makes it easy to start charging for your libraries, without making it complicated for consumers.
Install the Poken GitHub app in your repository. This allows Poken to access your package and distribute it to people who purchased it.
Create a Stripe Connect account via Poken in order to be able to receive the payments for your package sales.
Set a price for your package and share the unique link to your packages storefront. You get notifications for every sale.
Pay for packages without the hassle of private registries
Poken makes it easy for you to compensate library authors for their work by purchasing packages before adding them to your project via a personal install link.
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Thoughts on packages and how to monetize them.
Poken is launching in open beta today. Read about the motivation behind Poken, how it works, and how you can be a part of it from the beginning.
Poken allows software library authors to monetize their work. Our goal is making this as easy as possible for both the publisher and the consumer of a package.
Using the Poken backend, package publishers connect a private GitHub repository containing their package, create a Stripe Connect account, and publish their Poken listing. Each package has it's own storefront ( and will be listed in the Poken directory.
Developers purchase a package via the packages storefront ( and pay the price specified by the author via Stripe Checkout. After purchasing, they’ll receive a custom install link including a token (e.g. npm i
), which they can use to install the package in their project.
The package author defines the price that the package will be sold for on Poken. The platform will keep a 15 % commission on every sales transaction.
Poken is a portmanteau of “package” and “token.” The name reflects Poken’s basic premise, which is purchasing packages and consuming them via tokens.